Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What's So Cute?

This is so cute!!! I mean, seriously, who doesn't love dogs! I have one. She's a Husky mixed with a Golden Retriever. She's beautiful and such an obedient dog. She is 3 years old. I'm not sure how old she is in "dog years" but she is young and in good health.Her name is Miley, like Miley Cyrus. I don't like Miley Cyrus(a LOT of reasons) but the name just fits her. I was going to change it but once you name something it's hard to rename it. Plus, she knows her name so it would be hard to get her attention. Anyways, back to dogs in general. If you have a dog and you think or believe it is beautiful, send me a pic! It would be nice to see all the cute dogs. Also, if I get enough pics(also if I want to)I can do a "contest" of the best and cutest dog on BLOGSPOT!...well, not entirely blogspot. Anyways, it won't go on weird webs because I know dogs like their privacy! Yep, dogs hate being all in the spotlight. So give it a try. Plus, if you "win" you can have your dogs pic on my blog! 'Cause I want cutie puppies!!!! So why not enter in my non-official contest! Just post a comment(with your dogs picture)on this post with your name. If you don't want to put your name, fine! I'll just make it up. Just kidding. Show the world your puppy!!!..Well, me and my followers, actually. :) And remember, NO DOG CRUELTY!! That's mean. Spread the love to your dog today! Yes today!! Not tomorrow!

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